Live Music App Concept for Apple TV
AMP.TV brings the energy and excitement of a live event at the comfort of your own home. With the app, users will be able to enjoy immersive live concert experiences, calendar synching for upcoming events, and interactive live streams with artists. All of these features come with the added benefits of an ever-expanding music streaming library.
UI/UX Design
Solo Project
Scenario Flowchart
Profile page allows users to switch between different user profiles or create a new one.
When creating a new profile, users have the option to import data from existing music streaming platforms.
Home page features top news and hot releases from artists the user follows. Content is based on users history and imported data.
Search page updates results and suggestions as the user types.
An example of an artist's main page. Users have the option of exploring the page or choosing the play button to autoplay featured content.
An active event page for purchasing tickets, adding to calendar, sharing with friends & finding out more info on the event.
Immersive Live Experiences
Right at Home
AMP.LIVE offers a more immersive experience for users with access to Virtual Reality devices. Once the event has been activated, users have the option of enjoying it conventionally on the Apple TV screen or through a connected VR headset.
With VR equipment, users can enjoy an immersive live music experience while at home.
Meet Up in Real-time
AMP.MEETUP provides users the unique opportunity to interact directly with their favorite artists through their Apple TV and mobile device. Once in the event, users will be able to add posts and short audio recordings to a live feed through an app on their mobile device. Artists will then be able to respond and interact in real-time to incoming posts.
Artists can livestream and interact directly with fans who purchased a Meetup Event ticket.
The mobile UI for fans during a Meetup event. Users will be able to watch the livestream on their Apple TV while being able to interact on their phone.